Thursday, December 21, 2006


Back to Pedagogy

Above, I have briefly addressed the much larger and long-term project of a philosophical dialogue towards attunement and authenticity. Nevertheless, my focus in this work is limited to specific, writ-small pedagogy--for the personal verification of and identity with some basic data of consciousness—your own conscious introduction to your already-experienced radiant centerpiece of self-knowledge, communication, and even love, and to the very basics that can precede the occurrence in you of self-appropriation-affirmation. These insights constitute a first step towards what I hope will be a long series of illuminating insights into the fundaments and foundations of your own mindedness, and into creative-transformative activities in both aspects of your personal habitat—writ-small and writ-large.

Writ-small change in individuals is entirely worth the effort for its own sake. However, in my view, foundational change in the writ-large community of institutions, fields, and cultures can follow, in time, from an understanding and fully conscious embrace of the self-corrective processes in the writ-small individual person, one at a time, and should you decide to take up such a worthwhile project.

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