Friday, December 22, 2006



Moreover, if I may speak again to the teachers among my readers, if we find that TM is already a part of everyone’s everyday thought, speech, and act, then TM is the operating centerpiece of all educational experience. It follows that, if the field of education is to benefit from knowledge of transcendental method, teachers will need, first, to thoroughly understand TM by going through the self-knowledge and self-appropriation-affirmation process; and second, to become so comfortable with the subject matter that recognizing TM and its clarifying power within yourselves and others becomes a part of your everyday thought.

Also, in going through the self-appropriation process, we are also partaking of learning and the self-correction process in its fullest meaning: “I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand” (Darling-Hammond, 1997, p. 107). Here, however, you explore and do to discover and understand not only this or that worthwhile content or skill. But also, you gather in yourself—as content, as skill and procedure, and as self-conscious self-identity in the doing of thinking-consciousness. TM as content is a theory, your own inner self, your interior functions, and the motivation behind your very thinking, saying, and doing.

And so, self-appropriation is the exact-same as the fuller meaning of learning-as-doing, but also is more than that learning--because self-appropriation is doing to understand about that understanding and doing. The potential, then, is not only to know-about, but to identify-with that is an altogether unique, new, and fuller illumination of self and other.

Though in this introduction I can say this--so that you can hear the above and even perhaps remember it, the rest of the text is about your doing for a deeper, fuller, and more critical understanding to occur in you over the course of your reading.

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